Voice Record - Sync dubbing - Dialogue Polish - Music


Working with experienced professionals in the Toronto area, our team is able to not only deliver quality recording, but also improve the existing product.  Our goal is to make your product competitive, not only in lowering your budget, but in performance and technical quality.

Providing Voice Record and Music Services for the International Market

Voice Talent with extensive experience in network television in U.S.,  Canada, Great Britain, Singapore. 

Experience, Quality, International Market Expertise

First Class Facilities in Downtown Toronto

Profile of Atul N. Rao, 
President RaoRao Inc.http://web.mac.com/raorao1/RaoRao/Profile.html
Contact us:  raorao1@me.commailto:raorao1@me.commailto:raorao@prodigy.net?subject=Audio%20Production%20Servicesshapeimage_3_link_0